Reality Signal Processor/CPU Core

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Scalar unit (SU)

The scalar is the half of the RSP core that is similar to a standard MIPS R4000 32-bit CPU. It has 32 32-bit registers (conventionally called r0-r31) and implement most standard opcodes. This page does not describe the whole scalar unit as standard MIPS documentation suffices, but it highlights the main difference.

Missing opcodes

The following opcodes are not implemented by RSP:

  • Multiplication units. RSP does not have a multiplication unit so there is no MULT, MULTU, DIV, DIVU, MFHI, MFLO, MTHI, MTLO.
  • 64-bit instructions. RSP only has 32-bit scalar registers in SU, so there is no 64-bit opcodes (the ones starting with D such as DADDIU, DSRL, etc.) nor 64-bit memory accesses such as LD, SD, LDL, SDL.
  • No opcodes for misaligned memory accesses. All memory accesses to DMEM can be correctly performed also to misaligned addresses, using the standard opcodes like LW / SW or LH / LHU / SH, so there is no LWL, LWR, SWL, SWR.
  • No traps or exceptions. RSP does not implement any form of interrupt or exception handling, so there is no SYSCALL nor trap instructions (TGE, TLT, etc.). BREAK is available but it has a special behavior (see below).
  • No support for likely branches. The "likely" variant of all branches is not supported. The missing opcodes are the ones ending with L (such as BEQL, BLEZL, etc.)

Memory access

RSP is a harvard architecture. All opcodes are fetched from IMEM (4KB) and all data is access in DMEM (4KB).

The PC register is 12-bit. All higher address bits in branch / call instructions are thus ignored. When PC reaches the last opcode (at 0xFFC), execution continues to the first opcode in IMEM (PC wraps to 0x000).

All accesses to DMEM are performed using the lowest 12 bits of the address calculated by the load/store instruction (higher bits are ignored). Moreover, contrary to standard MIPS architecture, the RSP can correctly perform misaligned memory accesses (eg: it is possibly to fetch a 32-bit word at address 0x001, that will contain the 4 bytes at 0x1-0x5). Standard MIPS architecture allows to do misaligned addresses only using the LWL/LWR or SWL/SWR couples, which are not required on the RSP.

Vector Unit (VU)

The VU is the internal unit of the RSP CPU core that is able to perform fixed-point SIMD calculations. It is a proprietary design which does not follow any standard specification. Its opcodes and registers are exposed to the core via the COP2 interface.

Vector registers and glossary

VU contains 32 128-bit SIMD registers, each organized in 8 lanes of 16-bit each one. Most VU opcodes perform the same operation in parallel on each of the 8 lanes. The arrangement is thus similar to x86 SSE2 registers in EPI16 format.

The vector registers array is called VPR in this document, so VPR[4] refers to the fifth register (usually called v4 in assembly). When referring to specific portions of the register, we use the following convention:

  • VPR[vt][4..7] refers to byte indices, that is bytes from 4 to 7, counting from the higher part of the register (in big-endian order).
  • VPR[vt]<4..7> refers to specific lane indices, that is lanes from 4 to 7 counting from the higher part of the register (in big-endian order).
  • Within each lane, VPR[vt]<2>(3..0) refers to inclusive bit ranges. Notice that bits are counted as usual in little-endian order (bit 0 is the lowest, bit 15 is the highest), and thus they are written as (high..low).

Ranges are specified using the beg..end inclusive notation (that is, both beg and end are part of the range).

The concatenation of disjoint ranges is written with a ,, for instance: [0..3,8..11] means 8 bytes formed by concatenating 4 bytes starting at 0 with 4 bytes starting at 8.


The RSP contains a 8-lane SIMD accumulator, that is used implicitly by multiplication opcodes. Each of the 8 lanes is 48-bits wide, that allows to accumulate intermediate results of calculations without the loss of precision that would incur when storing them into a 16-bit lane in a vector register.

It is possible to extract the contents of the accumulator through the VSAR opcode; one call to this opcode can extract a 16-bit portion of each lane and store it into the specified vector register. The three portions are conventionally called ACCUM_LO (bits 15..0 of each lane), ACCUM_MD (bits 31..16 of each lane), and ACCUM_HI (bits 47..32 of each lane).

If you exclude the VSAR instruction that cuts the accumulator piecewise for extracting it, it is better to think of it a single register where each lane is 48-bits wide.


Multiplication opcodes perform a clamping step when extracting the accumulator into a vector register. Notice that each lane of the accumulator is always treated as a signed 48-bit number.

This is the pseudo-code for signed clamping (no surprises):

function clamp_signed(accum)
    if accum < -32768  => return -32768
    if accum > 32767   => return 32767
    return accum

The returned value is thus always within the signed 16-bit range.

This is the pseudo-code for unsigned clamping:

function clamp_unsigned(accum)
    if accum < 0       => return 0
    if accum > 32767   => return 65535
    return accum

Notice that in unsigned clamping, the saturating threshold is 15-bit, but the saturated value is 16-bit.


Loads and stores

31..26 25..21 20..16 15..11 10..7 6..0
LWC2 or SWC2 base vt opcode element offset

The instructions perform a load/store from DMEM into/from a vector register.

  • base is the index of a scalar register used as base for the memory access
  • offset is an signed offset added to the value of the base register (with some scaling, depending on the actual instruction).
  • vt is the vector register.
  • element is used to index a specific byte/word within the vector register, usually specifying the first element affected by the operation (thus allows to access sub-portions of the vector register).
List of all loads and stores opcodes
Group Opcode Description
Scalar LBV / SBV Load / Store 1 byte into/from a VPR
LSV / SSV Load / Store 2 bytes into/from a VPR
LLV / SLV Load / Store 4 bytes into/from a VPR
LDV / SDV Load / Store 4 bytes into/from a VPR
128-bit LQV Load (up to) 16 bytes into a VPR, left-aligned
LRV Load (up to) 16 bytes into a VPR, right-aligned
SQV Store (up to) 16 bytes from a VPR, left-aligned
SRV Store (up to) 16 bytes from a VPR, right-aligned
Transpose LTV Load 8 lanes from 8 GPRs into a VPR
STV Store 8 lanes of a VPR into 8 GPRs
8-bit packed LPV / SPV Load / store 8 8-bit signed values into a VPR
LUV / SUV Load / store 8 8-bit unsigned values into a VPR
LHV / SHV Load / store 8 8-bit unsigned values into VPR, accessing every other byte in memory
LFV / SFV Load / store 4 8-bit unsigned values into VPR, accessing every fourth bytes in memory