MIPS III instructions
The NEC VR4300 uses an instruction set that is nearly identical to that of the MIPS III Instruction Set Architecture (ISA). While the instruction set is explained in detail in the VR4300 datasheet, this article serves as a reformatted reference for those same instructions, including any quirks or additional reminders that are useful when programming something for the N64. See also MIPS Assembly.
If you are looking for instructions to perform certain actions, use your browser's search feature with CTRL+F
Instruction Notation Key
Symbol | Description |
base | An immediate value which represents a base address |
cofun | Coprocessor function |
r | 64-bit register |
rd | Destination register |
rs | Source register |
rt | Temporary register |
GPR | General Purpose Register |
GPR[r] | The general purpose register 'r' |
label | Label name |
immediate | A hardcoded value via an assembler variable or literal |
offset | An immediate value added to base address to form a virtual address |
sa | Shift this number of bits left or right |
sign-extended | Extends the upper bits with 1's or 0's to preserve the sign and value of the number |
zero-extended | Extends the upper bits with 0's. |
CPU Instruction Set
Every instruction has a 32-bit instruction word that the CPU uses to identify the instruction and any arguments used in it. The upper 6 bits is the instruction's opcode, however some instructions use additional constant bits to further define the operation. For example, the SPECIAL opcode is used for numerous instructions including ADD, SUB, AND, BREAK, and more.
Symbol | Description |
s | source register number |
d | destination register number |
t | temporary register number |
k | literal/immediate value |
b | base address |
f | offset address |
x | coprocessor number |
Typically an assembler will be used when programming in order to format the proper instruction word, when generating a ROM file. Most developers can safely ignore the instruction word column entirely.
However, most assemblers implement branch instructions differently! Instead of an offset value, they usually require the use of a label or absolute address.
Mnemonic | Description | 32-bit Instruction Word |
ADD rd, rs, rt | Add rs and rt, store result in rd | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0000 |
ADDI rt, rs, immediate | Add sign-extended 16bit immediate and rs, store result in rt | 0010 00ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
ADDIU rt, rs, immediate | Add sign-extended 16bit immediate and rs, store result in rt | 0010 01ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
ADDU rd, rs, rt | Add rs and rt, store result in rd | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0001 |
AND rd, rs, rt | AND rs with rt, store result in rd | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0100 |
ANDI rt, rs, immediate | AND rs with zero-extended immediate, store result in rt | 0011 00ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
BCzF offset | If CPz's CpCond is false, branch to address (delay slot + offset) | 0100 xx01 0000 0000 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BCzFL offset | If CPz's CpCond is false, branch to address (delay slot + offset), otherwise discard delay slot instruction | 0100 xx01 0000 0010 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BCzT offset | If CPz's CpCond is true, branch to address (delay slot + offset) | 0100 xx01 0000 0001 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BCzTL offset | If CPz's CpCond is true, branch to address (delay slot + offset), otherwise discard delay slot instruction | 0100 xx01 0000 0011 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BEQ rs, rt, offset | If rs equals rt, branch to address (delay slot + offset) | 0001 00ss ssst tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BEQL rs, rt, offset | If rs equals rt, branch to address (delay slot + offset), otherwise discard delay slot instruction | 0101 00ss ssst tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BGEZ rs, offset | If rs is greater than or equal to zero, branch to address (delay slot + offset) | 0000 01ss sss0 0001 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BGEZAL rs, offset | If rs is greater than or equal to zero, branch to address (delay slot + offset) and store next address to r31 | 0000 01ss sss1 0001 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BGEZALL rs, offset | If rs is greater than or equal to zero, branch to address (delay slot + offset) and store next address to r31, otherwise discard delay slot instruction | 0000 01ss sss1 0011 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BGEZL rs, offset | If rs is greater than or equal to zero, branch to address (delay slot + offset), otherwise discard delay slot instruction | 0000 01ss sss0 0011 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BGTZ rs, offset | If rs is greater than zero, branch to address (delay slot + offset) | 0001 11ss sss0 0000 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BGTZL rs, offset | If rs is greater than zero, branch to address (delay slot + offset), otherwise discard delay slot instruction | 0101 11ss sss0 0000 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BLEZ rs, offset | If rs is less than or equal to zero, branch to address (delay slot + offset) | 0001 10ss sss0 0000 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BLEZL rs, offset | If rs is less than or equal to zero, branch to address (delay slot + offset), otherwise discard delay slot instruction | 0101 10ss sss0 0000 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BLTZ rs, offset | If rs is less than zero, branch to address (delay slot + offset) | 0000 01ss sss0 0000 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BLTZAL rs, offset | If rs is less than zero, branch to address (delay slot + offset) and store next address to r31 | 0000 01ss sss1 0000 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BLTZALL rs, offset | If rs is less than zero, branch to address (delay slot + offset) and store next address to r31, otherwise discard delay slot instruction | 0000 01ss sss1 0010 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BLTZL rs, offset | If rs is less than zero, branch to address (delay slot + offset), otherwise discard delay slot instruction | 0000 01ss sss0 0010 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BNE rs, rt, offset | If rs is not equal to rt, branch to address (delay slot + offset) | 0001 01ss ssst tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BNEL rs, rt, offset | If rs is not equal to rt, branch to address (delay slot + offset), otherwise discard delay slot instruction | 0101 01ss ssst tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
BREAK | Causes breakpoint exception | 0000 00kk kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk kk00 1101 |
CACHE op, offset(base) | Flush instruction or data cache at address (base + offset) to RAM | 1011 11bb bbbk kkkk ffff ffff ffff ffff |
CFCz rt, rd | Copy contents of CPz control register rd, to GPR rt | 0100 xx00 010t tttt dddd d000 0000 0000 |
COPz cofun | Perform coprocessor operation | 0100 xx1k kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
CTCz rt, rd | Copy contents of GPR rt, to CPz control register rd | 0100 xx00 110t tttt dddd d000 0000 0000 |
DADD rd, rs, rt | Add rs and rt, store result in rd (mode restrictions) | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 1100 |
DADDI rt, rs, immediate | Add sign-extended 16bit immediate and rs, store result in rt (mode restrictions) | 0110 00ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
DADDIU rt, rs, immediate | Add sign-extended 16bit immediate and rs, store result in rt (mode restrictions) | 0110 01ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
DADDU rd, rs, rt | Add rs and rt, store result in rd (mode restrictions) | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 1101 |
DDIV rs, rt | Divide signed rs by signed rt, store quotient in register LO and remainder in HI (mode restrictions) | 0000 00ss ssst tttt 0000 0000 0001 1110 |
DDIVU rs, rt | Divide unsigned rs by unsigned rt, store quotient in register LO and remainder in HI (mode restrictions) | 0000 00ss ssst tttt 0000 0000 0001 1111 |
DIV rs, rt | Divide signed rs by signed rt, store quotient in register LO and remainder in HI | 0000 00ss ssst tttt 0000 0000 0001 1010 |
DIVU rs, rt | Divide unsigned rs by unsigned rt, store quotient in register LO and remainder in HI | 0000 00ss ssst tttt 0000 0000 0001 1011 |
DMFC0 rt, rd | Copy doubleword contents of CPz coprocessor register rd, to GPR rt | 0100 0000 001t tttt dddd d000 0000 0000 |
DMTC0 rt, rd | Copy doubleword contents of GPR rt, to CPz coprocessor register rd | 0100 0000 101t tttt dddd d000 0000 0000 |
DMULT rs, rt | Multiply signed rs with signed rt, store low-order doubleword in LO, and high-order doubleword to HI (mode restrictions) | 0000 00ss ssst tttt 0000 0000 0001 1100 |
DMULTU rs, rt | Multiply unsigned rs with unsigned rt, store low-order doubleword in LO, and high-order doubleword to HI (mode restrictions) | 0000 00ss ssst tttt 0000 0000 0001 1101 |
DSLL rd, rt, sa | Shift rt left by sa bits, store result in rd (mode restrictions) | 0000 0000 000t tttt dddd dkkk kk11 1000 |
DSLLV rd, rt, rs | Shift rt left by rs (limited to 63), store result in rd (mode restrictions) | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0001 0100 |
DSLL32 rd, rt, rs | Shift rt left by (32 + sa) bits, store result in rd (mode restrictions) | 0000 0000 000t tttt dddd dkkk kk11 1100 |
DSRA rd, rt, sa | Shift rt right by sa bits, store sign-extended result in rd (mode restrictions) | 0000 0000 000t tttt dddd dkkk kk11 1011 |
DSRAV rd, rt, rs | Shift rt right by rs (limited to 63), store sign-extended result in rd (mode restrictions) | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0001 0111 |
DSRA32 rd, rt, sa | Shift rt right by (32 + sa) bits, store sign-extended result in rd (mode restrictions) | 0000 0000 000t tttt dddd dkkk kk11 1111 |
DSRL rd, rt, sa | Shift rt right by sa bits, store sign-extended result in rd (mode restrictions) | 0000 0000 000t tttt dddd dkkk kk11 1010 |
DSRLV rd, rt, rs | Shift rt right by rs (limited to 63), store sign-extended result in rd (mode restrictions) | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0001 0110 |
DSRL32 rd, rt, sa | Shift rt right by (32 + sa) bits, store sign-extended result in rd (mode restrictions) | 0000 0000 000t tttt dddd dkkk kk11 1110 |
DSUB rd, rs, rt | Subtract rt from rs, store result in rd | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 1110 |
DSUBU rd, rs, rt | Subtract rt from rs, store result in rd | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 1111 |
ERET | Return from interrupt, exception, or error exception | 0100 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 1000 |
J target | Jump to target address | 0000 10kk kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
JAL target | Jump to target address, stores return address in r31 | 0000 11kk kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
JALR rd, rs | Jump to address stored in rs, stores return address in rd | 0000 00ss sss0 0000 dddd d000 0000 1001 |
JALR rs | Jump to address stored in rs, stores return address in r31 | 0000 00ss sss0 0000 1111 1000 0000 1001 |
JR rs | Jump to address stored in rs | 0000 00ss sss0 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 |
LB rt, offset(base) | Loads byte stored at memory address (base + offset), stores sign-extended byte in rt | 1000 00bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LBU rt, offset(base) | Loads byte stored at memory address (base + offset), stores zero-extended byte in rt | 1001 00bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LD rt, offset(base) | Loads doubleword stored at memory address (base + offset), stores doubleword in rt | 1101 11bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LDCz rt, offset(base) | Copies doubleword stored at memory address (base + offset), to CPz | 1101 xxbb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LDL rt, offset(base) | Loads a portion of a doubleword beginning at memory address (base + offset), stores 1-8 bytes in high-order portion of rt | 0110 10bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LDR rt, offset(base) | Loads a portion of a doubleword beginning at memory address (base + offset), stores 1-8 bytes in low-order portion of rt | 0110 11bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LH rt, offset(base) | Loads halfword stored at memory address (base + offset), stores sign-extended halfword in rt | 1000 01bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LHU rt, offset(base) | Loads halfword stored at memory address (base + offset), stores zero-extended halfword in rt | 1001 01bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LL rt, offset(base) | Load Linked (Refer to section below) | 1100 00bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LLD rt, offset(base) | Load Linked Doubleword (Refer to section below) | 1101 00bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LUI rt, immediate | 16-bit immediate is shifted left 16 bits using trailing zeros, result placed in rt | 0011 1100 000t tttt kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
LW rt, offset(base) | Loads word stored at memory address (base + offset), stores sign-extended word in rt | 1000 11bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LWCz rt, offset(base) | Copies word stored at memory address (base + offset), to CPz | 1100 xxbb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LWL rt, offset(base) | Loads a portion of a word beginning at memory address (base + offset), stores 1-4 bytes in high-order portion of rt | 1000 10bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LWR rt, offset(base) | Loads a portion of a word beginning at memory address (base + offset), stores 1-4 bytes in low-order portion of rt | 1001 10bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
LWU rt, offset(base) | Loads word stored at memory address (base + offset), stores zero-extended word in rt | 1001 11bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
MFC0 rt, rd | Copy contents of CP0's coprocessor register rd, to GPR rt | 0100 0000 000t tttt dddd d000 0000 0000 |
MFCz rt, rd | Copy contents of CPz's coprocessor register rd, to GPR rt | 0100 xx00 000t tttt dddd d000 0000 0000 |
MFHI rd | Copy contents of register HI to rd (warning: hazard) | 0000 0000 0000 0000 dddd d000 0001 0000 |
MFLO rd | Copy contents of register LO to rd (warning: hazard) | 0000 0000 0000 0000 dddd d000 0001 0010 |
MTC0 rt, rd | Copy contents of GPR rt, to CP0's coprocessor register rd | 0100 0000 100t tttt dddd d000 0000 0000 |
MTCz rd, rd | Copy contents of GPR rt, to CPz's coprocessor register rd | 0100 xx00 100t tttt dddd d000 0000 0000 |
MTHI rs | Copy contents of rs to register HI | 0000 00ss sss0 0000 0000 0000 0001 0001 |
MTLO rs | Copy contents of rs to register LO | 0000 00ss sss0 0000 0000 0000 0001 0011 |
MULT rs, rt | Multiply signed rs by signed rt, store low-order word of result in register LO and high-order word in HI | 0000 00ss ssst tttt 0000 0000 0001 1000 |
MULTU rs, rt | Multiply unsigned rs by unsigned rt, store low-order word of result in register LO and high-order word in HI | 0000 00ss ssst tttt 0000 0000 0001 1001 |
NOR rd, rs, rt | NOR rs and rt, store result in rd | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0111 |
OR rd, rs, rt | OR rs and rt, store result in rd | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0101 |
ORI rt, rs, immediate | OR rs and zero-extended immediate, store result in rt | 0011 01ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
SB rt, offset(base) | Stores least-significant byte from rt, to memory address (base + offset) | 1010 00bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
SC rt, offset(base) | If LL bit is set, stores contents of rt, to memory address (base + offset) | 1110 00bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
SCD rt, offset(base) | If LLD bit is set, stores contents of rt, to memory address (base + offset) (mode restrictions) | 1111 00bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
SD rt, offset(base) | Stores doubleword from rt, to memory address (base + offset) | 1111 11bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
SDCz rt, offset(base) | Copies doubleword from CPz, to memory address (base + offset) | 1111 xxbb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
SDL rt, offset(base) | Loads a portion of rt, stores 1-8 bytes in high-order portion of memory address (base + offset) | 1011 00bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
SDR rt, offset(base) | Loads a portion of rt, stores 1-8 bytes in low-order portion of memory address (base + offset) | 1011 01bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
SH rt, offset(base) | Stores halfword from rt, to memory address (base + offset) | 1010 01bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
SLL rd, rt, sa | Shift rt left by sa bits, store result in rd | 0000 0000 000t tttt dddd dkkk kk00 0000 |
SLLV rd, rt, rs | Shift rt left by rs (limited to 31), store result in rd | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0000 0100 |
SLT rd, rs, rt | If signed rs is less than signed rt, store one in rd, otherwise store zero | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 1010 |
SLTI rt, rs, immediate | If signed rs is less than sign-extended immediate, store one in rd, otherwise store zero | 0010 10ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
SLTIU rt, rs, immediate | If unsigned rs is less than sign-extended immediate, store one in rt, otherwise store zero | 0010 11ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
SLTU rd, rs, rt | If unsigned rs is less than unsigned rt, store one in rd, otherwise store zero | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 1011 |
SRA rd, rt, sa | Shift rt right by sa bits, store sign-extended result in rd | 0000 0000 000t tttt dddd dkkk kk00 0011 |
SRAV rd, rt, rs | Shift rt right by rs (limited to 31), store sign-extended result in rd | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0000 0111 |
SRL rd, rt, sa | Shift rt right by sa bits, store sign-extended result in rd | 0000 0000 000t tttt dddd dkkk kk00 0010 |
SRLV rd, rt, rs | Shift rt right by rs (limited to 31), store sign-extended result in rd | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0000 0110 |
SUB rd, rs, rt | Subtract rt from rs, store result in rd | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0010 |
SUBU rd, rs, rt | Subtract rt from rs, store result in rd | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0011 |
SW rt, offset(base) | Stores word from rt, to memory address (base + offset) | 1010 11bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
SWCz rt, offset(base) | Copies word from CPz, to memory address (base + offset) | 1110 xxbb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
SWL rt, offset(base) | Loads a portion of rt, stores 1-4 bytes in high-order portion of memory address (base + offset) | 1010 10bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
SWR rt, offset(base) | Loads a portion of rt, stores 1-4 bytes in low-order portion of memory address (base + offset) | 1011 10bb bbbt tttt ffff ffff ffff ffff |
SYNC | Executed as NOP on the VR4300 | 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1111 |
SYSCALL | Causes system call exception | 0000 00kk kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk kk00 1100 |
TEQ rs, rt | If rs equals rt, cause a trap exception | 0000 00ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kk11 0100 |
TEQI rs, immediate | If rs equals sign-extended immediate, cause a trap exception | 0000 01ss sss0 1100 kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
TGE rs, rt | If signed rs is greater than or equal to signed rt, cause a trap exception | 0000 00ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kk11 0000 |
TGEI rs, immediate | If signed rs is greater than or equal to sign-extended immediate, cause a trap exception | 0000 01ss sss0 1000 kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
TGEIU rs, immediate | If unsigned rs is greater than or equal to sign-extended immediate, cause a trap exception | 0000 01ss sss0 1001 kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
TGEU rs, rt | If unsigned rs is greater than or equals to unsigned rt, cause a trap exception | 0000 00ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kk11 0001 |
TLBP | Searches for a TLB entry that matches the EntryHi register | 0100 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 |
TLBR | Loads EntryHi and EntryLo registers with the TLB entry pointed at by the Index register | 0100 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 |
TLBWI | Stores the contents of EntryHi and EntryLo registers into the TLB entry pointed at by the Index register | 0100 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 |
TLBWR | Stores the contents of EntryHi and EntryLo registers into the TLB entry pointed at by the Random register | 0100 0010 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0110 |
TLT rs, rt | If signed rs is less than signed rt, cause a trap exception | 0000 00ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kk11 0010 |
TLTI rs, immediate | If signed rs is less than sign-extended immediate, cause a trap exception | 0000 01ss sss0 1010 kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
TLTIU rs, immediate | If unsigned rs is less than sign-extended immediate, cause a trap exception | 0000 01ss sss0 1011 kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
TLTU rs, rt | If unsigned rs is less than unsigned rt, cause a trap exception | 0000 00ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kk11 0011 |
TNE rs, rt | If rs does not equal rt, cause a trap exception | 0000 00ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kk11 0110 |
TNEI rs, immediate | If rs does not equal sign-extended immediate, cause a trap exception | 0000 01ss sss0 1110 kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
XOR rd, rs, rt | XOR rs with rt, store result in rd | 0000 00ss ssst tttt dddd d000 0010 0110 |
XORI rt, rs, immediate | XOR rs with zero-extended immediate, store result in rd | 0011 10ss ssst tttt kkkk kkkk kkkk kkkk |
The mfhi
and mflo
instructions will produce incorrect results if any of the two following instructions modify the HI
and LO
registers, respectively. Note that by default, assemblers other than Bass will prevent this by reordering instructions or inserting nop
. If you are using .set noreorder
or Bass, you must ensure this yourself.
Format: ADD rd, rs, rt
Format: ADDI rt, rs, immediate
FPU Instruction Set
The floating point unit (FPU) is contained within the VR3400 microprocessor and handles floating point operations. The FPU uses a different set of registers for its operations (f0 - f31). While these registers are separate from general purpose registers, they function the same way.
Symbol | Description |
fd | Destination register |
fs | Source register |
ft | Temporary register |
fmt | Operand format |
FPR | Floating-point Register |
Many FPU instructions require an operand format fmt
. This format dictates the size of the operators and whether they are floating-point or fixed-point, as noted in this table:
Symbol | Description |
S | 32 bits, floating-point |
D | 64 bits, floating-point |
W | 32 bits, fixed-point |
L | 64 bits, fixed-point |
Some instructions will also require a conditional cond
. This determines what kind of comparison is performed.
Symbol | Description |
- | table incomplete |
F | T |
UN | OR |
EQ | NEQ |
SF | ST |
NGL | GL |
LT | NLT |
NGE | GE |
LE | NLE |
NGT | GT |
Instruction Word Key
Symbol | Description |
s | source register number |
d | destination register number |
t | temporary register number |
k | literal/immediate value |
b | base address |
f | offset address |
x | coprocessor number |
a | fmt - operand format |
c | cond - conditional |
Mnemonic | Description | 32-bit Instruction Word |
ABS.fmt fd, fs | Absolute value of fs, store result in fd | 0100 01aa aaa0 0000 ssss sddd dd00 0101 |
ADD.fmt fd, fs | Add fs and ft, store result in fd | 0100 01aa aaat tttt ssss sddd dd00 0000 |
C.cond.fmtfs, ft | Compares fs and ft using cond | 0100 01aa aaat tttt ssss s000 0011 cccc |
BC1F offset | 0100 0101 0000 0000 ffff ffff ffff ffff | |
BC1FL offset | 0100 0101 0000 0010 ffff ffff ffff ffff | |
BC1T offset | 0100 0101 0000 0001 ffff ffff ffff ffff | |
BC1TL offset | 0100 0101 0000 0011 ffff ffff ffff ffff |
Many assemblers, regardless of architecture, will add additional instructions to assist developers. This table shows the instructions added by the bass assembler, which is commonly used to develop N64 ROMs.