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== The PI Bus ==
= The PI Bus =
The PI bus is the bus where external devices can be connected, via either the cartridge port on the top of the console, or the expansion port at the bottom of the console. Notice both ports are electrically connected to the same bus, even if the connector is different.
The PI bus is the bus where external devices can be connected, via either the cartridge port on the top of the console, or the expansion port at the bottom of the console. Notice both ports are electrically connected to the same bus, even if the connector is different.

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=== PI Interface Process ===
== PI Interface Process ==

====== Address output: ======
=== Address output ===
[[File:Rom address output.png|border|left|frameless|984x984px|Rom Address Output]]
[[File:Rom address output.png|Rom Address Output]]

=== Data Read ===
[[File:Rom Read Data.png|alt=Rom Read Data|Rom Read Data]]

=== Constant Read ===
[[File:Constant ROM Access.png|Constant ROM Access]]

====== Data Read: ======
[[File:Rom Read Data.png|alt=Rom Read Data|border|left|frameless|1003x1003px|Rom Read Data]]

= DMA Transfers =

====== Constant Read: ======
[[File:Constant ROM Access.png|border|left|frameless|1522x1522px|Constant ROM Access]]

=DMA Transfers=
PI DMA is well defined for so-called "aligned transfers", which are defined by the following constraints:
PI DMA is well defined for so-called "aligned transfers", which are defined by the following constraints:

Revision as of 13:00, 11 February 2024

The Peripheral Interface (or PI, or Parallel Interface) is one of multiple I/O interfaces in the RCP, which is used to communicate with game cartridges or other devices connected to either the cartridge port or expansion port on the bottom of the console. (e.g. 64DD)

Memory mapped registers are used to configure the Peripheral Interface and initiate DMA reads and writes. The base address for these registers is 0x0460 0000, also known as PI_BASE. However, because all memory accesses in the CPU are made using virtual addresses, the following addresses must be offset appropriately. For non-cached reads/writes, add 0xA000 0000 to the address. As an example, to directly write to the PI_DRAM_ADDR register, use address 0xA460 0000.

The PI Bus

The PI bus is the bus where external devices can be connected, via either the cartridge port on the top of the console, or the expansion port at the bottom of the console. Notice both ports are electrically connected to the same bus, even if the connector is different.

The bus address is 32-bit and the values being transferred are 16-bits. So each access (read or write) is made to a 32-bit address with a 16-bit data. The PI (as master device) issues reads and writes to the bus with a wire protocol detailed below. Each device is expected to use an address range (a subset of the whole 32-bit address space); the device will receive all reads and writes requests from PI, and is expected to reply / execute those falling within the address range of interest. The PI has no way of knowing if one or more devices are attached to the bus, it does not know which address ranges are used by what device (there is no "address registration / reservation system"), and there is no handling of conflicts.

The PI will issue reads or writes as drive by the CPU via two different systems:

  • DMA: this allows to transfer multiple words. In general, the PI bus protocol allows the PI to write the address once, and then either reads or writes multiple consecutive words, and the DMA will use this mechanism to do quicker transfers. In fact, addresses in the PI bus are virtually split in "pages" of configurable size. The PI is allowed to read/write multiple words within the same page, so during the DMA will issue the address only once for page, and then read/write multiple words as requested. This is done to speed up transfers (as issuing a new address after every word would waste time).
  • Direct I/O: part of the 32-bit PI address space is memory mapped to the CPU address space. This means that when the CPU accesses one of these memory mapped addresses, the PI will perform a read or write on the bus. The mapped addresses are only those in the range 0x0500_0000 - 0x1FBF_FFFF and 0x1FD0_0000 - 0x7FFF_FFFF. Addresses outside of these ranges can only be accessed via DMA. Notice also that direct I/O accesses can only be done as 32-bit words (concatenating two consecutive 16-bit reads), see Memory map#Ranges 0x0500'0000 - 0x1FBF'FFFF and 0x1FD0'0000 - 0x7FFF'FFFF (PI external bus) for more information.

NOTE: it is easy to get confused with the different kind of addresses. Addresses mentioned here are PI bus addresses, which is a 32-bit namespace by itself. Addresses in the CPU physical memory map are a different namespace. They can be confused because of the memory mapped addresses: accessing physical address 0x0700_0000 in the CPU does map exactly to PI address 0x0700_0000, but in general the two namespaces are technically separated. For instance, PI address 0x0000_1234 is a valid PI address on the bus where a device could be attached, but reading from physical address 0x0000_1234 on the CPU accesses RDRAM instead; in fact PI address 0x0000_1234 is not memory mapped, so the only way to access it is via DMA.


To cope with different peripherals, the PI allows to configure some parameters that affect the bus protocol:

  • PGS (page size). This is the size of a virtual page, and defines how often the PI must issue a new address during a DMA transfer. For instance, if the configure page size is 32 16-bit words, assuming an aligned transfer, the PI will issue an address at the start, and then read (or write) 32 consecutive words.
  • LAT (latency). Number of RCP clock cycles to wait between the address and the transfer of the first word
  • PWD
  • RLS

The PI stores two set of configurations for these 4 registers, and uses them for different ranges of the address space. These two sets are called "domain 1" and "domain 2". Most of the address space is accessed using the "domain 1" configuration, but a few ranges are accessed as "domain 2". See this table for the mapping:

PI address range Domain Device
0x0000_0000 - 0x04FF_FFFF Domain 1 No known device exists that operates in this range
0x0500_0000 - 0x05FF_FFFF Domain 2 64DD registers
0x0600_0000 - 0x07FF_FFFF Domain 1 64DD ROM
0x0800_0000 - 0x0FFF_FFFF Domain 2 SRAM
0x1000_0000 - 0xFFFF_FFFF Domain 1 ROM (though this address range is huge, and ROM only typically occupied a small portion of it)

There is no way to have more than two domains, nor to decide which domain is used for some specific address. The above table is hardcoded in the PI itself, and cannot the changed. In general, software that needs to change domain parameters before accessing a device is advised to do that in a transactional way, so that the default values are restored after the access for other peripherals.

Open bus behavior

Writes made to addresses with no "receiver" devices cause no harm; the writes are just ignored. As explained above, the PI has absolutely no notion if devices are attached or not (and whether they care about some addresses) so all writes will always be performed as if somebody cared about them. In particular, notice also that PI will also execute writes to the ROM address space (as it has no notion that the ROM is read-only, nor that a ROM is mapped to those addresses!): the cartridge will then ignore those writes.

Reads made to addresses with no "receiver" devices cause an open-bus behavior: the 32-bit word returned by PI is the 16-bit lowest part of the address put on the bus, repeated in both halves. For instance, a direct I/O 32-bit read from PI address 0x6666_DCBA will return the value 0xDCBA_DCBA. When reading unmapped areas via DMA, the rule is the same but the address returned is the address of the page being accessed (the only one physically put on the bus), and it is repeated for all words read until page change.


Table Notation:

R = Readable bit
W = Writable bit
U = Undefined/Unused bit
-n = Default value n at power on
[x:y] = Specifies bits x to y, inclusively

0x0460 0000 - PI_DRAM_ADDR

PI_DRAM_ADDR 0x0460 0000
31:24 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
23:16 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
15:8 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
7:0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 R-0
DRAM_ADDR[7:1] 0
bit 31-24 Undefined: Initialized to 0
bit 23-1 DRAM_ADDR[23:1]: Base address of RDRAM for PI DMAs; notice that bit 0 cannot be written and is fixed to zero.

Extra Details:

Note that DMA transfers are buggy if DRAM_ADDR[2:0] are not all zero, see below.

0x0460 0004 - PI_CART_ADDR

PI_CART_ADDR 0x0460 0004
31:24 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
23:16 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
15:8 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
7:0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 R-0
CART_ADDR[7:1] 0
bit 31-1 CART_ADDR[31:1]: Base address of the PI bus (e.g. cartridge) for PI DMAs; notice that bit 0 cannot be written and is fixed to 0.

0x0460 0008 - PI_RD_LEN

PI_RD_LEN 0x0460 0008
31:24 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
23:16 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
15:8 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
7:0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
bit 31-24 Undefined: Initialized to 0
bit 23-0 RD_LEN[23:0]: Number of bytes, minus one, to be transferred from RDRAM, to the PI bus

Extra Details:

Writing to this register will start the DMA transfer. Reading appears to always return `0x7F` (more research required).

0x0460 000C - PI_WR_LEN

PI_WR_LEN 0x0460 000C
31:24 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
23:16 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
15:8 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
7:0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
bit 31-24 Undefined: Initialized to 0
bit 23-0 WR_LEN[23:0]: Number of bytes, minus one, to be transferred from the PI bus, into RDRAM

Extra Details:

Writing to this register will start the DMA transfer. Reading appears to always return `0x7F` (more research required).

0x0460 0010 - PI_STATUS

PI_STATUS 0x0460 0010
31:24 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
23:16 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
15:8 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
7:0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 R-0 R-0 RW-0 RW-0
Details below
READ:                                 WRITE:
    [3]    Interrupt (DMA completed)      [3]    -
    [2]    DMA error                      [2]    -
    [1]    I/O busy                       [1]    Clear Interrupt
    [0]    DMA is busy                    [0]    Reset DMA controller and stop any transfer being done

0x0460 00n4 - PI_BSD_DOMn_LAT

PI_BSD_DOM1_LAT 0x0460 0014

PI_BSD_DOM2_LAT 0x0460 0024

31:24 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
23:16 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
15:8 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
7:0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
bit 31-8 Undefined: Initialized to 0
bit 7-0 LAT[7:0]: The "LATch" value is the number of RCP cycles, minus one, after the address has been sent (falling edge of ALE_L) and before the first read or write may start (falling edge of /RD or /WR)

Extra Details:

During IPL2, the N64 will initialize Domain 1's LAT using data read from the cartridge ROM header. All official ROMs set LAT = 64 (meaning (64+1)*16 = 1040ns).

0x0460 00n8 - PI_BSD_DOMn_PWD

PI_BSD_DOM1_PWD 0x0460 0018

PI_BSD_DOM2_PWD 0x0460 0028

31:24 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
23:16 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
15:8 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
7:0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
bit 31-8 Undefined: Initialized to 0
bit 7-0 PWD[7:0]: The "Pulse WiDth" value is the number of RCP cycles, minus one, the /RD or /WR signals are held low

Extra Details:

During IPL2, the N64 will initialize Domain 1's PWD using data read from the cartridge ROM header. All official ROMs set PWD = 18 (meaning (18+1)*16 = 304ns).

0x0460 00nC - PI_BSD_DOMn_PGS

PI_BSD_DOM1_PGS 0x0460 001C

PI_BSD_DOM2_PGS 0x0460 002C

31:24 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
23:16 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
15:8 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
7:0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 RW-0 RW-0 RW-0
bit 31-4 Undefined: Initialized to 0
bit 3-0 PGS[3:0]: The "PaGe Size" value configures how many bytes can be sequentially read/written on the bus before sending the next base address (Size = 2^(PGS+2) bytes)

Extra Details:

During IPL2, the N64 will initialize Domain 1's PGS using data read from the cartridge ROM header. All official ROMs set PGS = 7 (meaning 2^(7+2) = 512 bytes).
The smallest possible value, 0, means 2^(0+2) = 4 bytes; the largest means 2^(15+2) = 128KiB.

Page Size only matters for DMA transfers; all direct accesses via the PI are only ever 32 bits wide.

The maximum number of transfers will only happen when the address's least significant bits are all 0.

0x0460 00n0 - PI_BSD_DOMn_RLS

PI_BSD_DOM1_RLS 0x0460 0020

PI_BSD_DOM2_RLS 0x0460 0030

31:24 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
23:16 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
15:8 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0
7:0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 U-0 RW-0 RW-0
bit 31-2 Undefined: Initialized to 0
bit 1-0 RLS[1:0]: The "ReLeaSe" value is the number of RCP cycles, minus one, that the /RD or /WR signals are held high between each 16-bits of data

Extra Details:

During IPL2, the N64 will initialize Domain 1's RLS using data read from the cartridge ROM header. All official ROMs set RLS = 3 (meaning (3+1)*16 = 64ns).

Physical Bus Pinout

The PI Bus is a Bi-directional and multiplexed interface with a 16bit data path to the ROM, 64DD, Flash Ram and cart RAM chips. It is used to send both the wanted address and data to and from the RCP. This is not to be confused with the serial EEPROM, CIC and RTC (real time clock) chips that go through the SI interface and PIF chip via the cartridge port as well.

Pin Name Cart pins Description
AD0 28 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[16] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[0] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [0]

AD1 29 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[17] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[1] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [1]

AD2 30 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[18] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[2] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [2]

AD3 32 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[19] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[3] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [3]

AD4 36 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[20] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[4] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [4]

AD5 37 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[21] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[5] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [5]

AD6 40 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[22] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[6] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [6]

AD7 41 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[23] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[7] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [7]

AD8 16 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[24] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[8] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [8]

AD9 15 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[25] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[9] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [9]

AD10 12 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[26] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[10] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [10]

AD11 11 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[27] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[11] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [11]

AD12 7 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[28] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[12] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [12]

AD13 5 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[29] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[13] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [13]

AD14 4 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[30] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[14] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [14]

AD15 3 This data bit is used with the following signals to represent the following

/ALEH - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[31] is latched internally in the ROM

/ALEL - Signal changes from HIGH to LOW: Address Bit[15] is latched internally in the ROM

/WR or /RD - Signal changes from LOW to HIGH: This will read/write to that ROM location latched in the Cart. Bit [15]

/ALEH 35 Parts on the PI bus are expected to latch the high address (Bits[31:16]) when this goes from HIGH to LOW.

When this signal goes from LOW to HIGH it resets the internal address system so it can await for a new address request.

This stays HIGH when in idle and LOW when processing data. Commercial ROMs also use this as /CE, entering a low-power state while this signal is high.

This signal will be high for at least 7 FSB cycles, each time a new address is loaded.

/ALEL 33 Parts on the PI bus are expected to latch the low address (Bits[15:0]) when this goes from HIGH to LOW.

No action has been seen when this goes from LOW to HIGH.

This stays HIGH when in idle and LOW when processing data.

This signal will be high for at least 14 FSB cycles, each time a new address is loaded, ending 7 FSB cycles after ALEH falls.

/WR 8 This is the signal that sends a write command to the FLASH ram, SRAM or 64DD

While this signal is low, the RCP drives the PI bus with the current word of data.

When this signal goes from LOW to HIGH external parts are expected to record the value at that moment, if they need it. The RCP and external parts are also expected to increase the internal address counter in preparation for the next word transferred.

The RCP will not change this signal from HIGH to LOW until either the Latency (PI_BSD_DOMn_LAT) or Release (PI_BSD_DOMn_RLS) registers have counted the required number of FSB clocks.

This stays HIGH when idle.

/RD 10 This is the signal that sends a read command to the ROM, FLASH ram, SRAM or 64DD.

While this signal is low, the RCP expects that some device will drive the PI Bus.

When this signal goes from LOW to HIGH the RCP will record the value at that moment. The RCP and external parts are also expected to increase the internal address counter in preparation for the next word transferred.

The /RD signal has the same timing constraints as the /WR signal above.

This stays HIGH when idle.

PI Interface Process

Address output

Rom Address Output

Data Read

Rom Read Data

Constant Read

Constant ROM Access

DMA Transfers

PI DMA is well defined for so-called "aligned transfers", which are defined by the following constraints:

  1. RDRAM address must be 8 bytes aligned
  2. PI address must be 2 bytes aligned
  3. Length must be a multiple of 2

Notice that the second point might be considered redundant from a hardware point of view given that both registers holding addresses are fixed to be 2-byte aligned (LSB is fixed to 0), but from a software point of view, this has to be taken into account.

The behavior of PI DMA when the first and third constraint are not respected is not well designed; it seems like the designers attempted to implement support for loosing these constraints but gave up in the middle, leaving the hardware in a state that can only be described as "buggy". This also leaks some internal details on how the transfers are performed.

To implement PI DMA, the RCP uses an internal 128 byte buffer. The following section attempts to describe the exact process (though the *actual* process implemented in the hardware is unknown; the following does match in observable behavior).

NOTE: only DMA write transfers (PI -> RDRAM) have been analyzed in detail, using default PI DOM1 settings. It is expected that read transfers (RDRAM -> PI) behave in a specular way, though it's not been fully tested yet. We also expect PI DOM1 page size setting to somehow affect the transfer, though this has also not been explored yet.

Internal process

The transfer is split in blocks of maximum 128 bytes each one. Within each block, the PI first fills the internal buffer fetching data from the PI bus, and then write backs the buffer contents to RDRAM. This can be observed by monitoring PI_DRAM_ADDR and PI_CART_ADDR: during the transfer, it can be first seen PI_CART_ADDR moving forward, and

then PI_DRAM_ADDR catching up with a leap (writing to RDRAM is much faster than reading PI).

In general for all blocks of the transfer (excluding the first one, see below), the logic appears to be as follows:

  •   Compute the block size. This is the smallest between the remaining length, the end of the current RDRAM page, and 128 bytes (which is the maximum size of the internal buffer). RDRAM pages are 2 KiB (0x800) long, so for instance if the current RDRAM address (at the beginning of the block) is 0x147e0, the block size will be 0x20 because the RDRAM page ends at 0x147ff.
  • Fill the page using PI reads from the bus. All PI accesses are always 16-bit long, so if the block size was odd (which happens on the last block, if the remaining length is odd), one extra byte will be fetched from PI into the internal buffer.
  • Write back into RDRAM. The exact format of RDRAM writes is unknown at the moment; since PI DMA transfers are well-defined for 8-byte aligned RDRAM addresses, it is assumed that 64-bit writes are used (a burst like that used for D/I cache writebacks would require 16-byte alignment or more to be performed). If an extra byte was fetched in the previous step, that byte is also written to RDRAM. So in general odd-length PI DMA transfers will transfer one byte more than requested.

The above logic applies for all blocks of the transfer, excluding the first one. The first block in fact is treated specially by PI. It appears that the goal of the designers was to use the first block to realign transfers to 8-byte in RDRAM, which possibly causes the first block to use smaller, masked writes to RDRAM. So, even if the RDRAM starting address is misaligned, all blocks besides the first one will begin from a 8-byte aligned RDRAM address, and behave with the logic described above.

Internal process: first block

These are the differences in logic while processing the first block, which mostly concerns how to handle the initial RDRAM misalignment. In this description, we refer to RDRAM misalignment as the amount of bytes that the RDRAM address is distant from the previous 8-byte aligned word (that is, the misalignment is the value of the last 3 bits of the RDRAM address). Notice that the RDRAM address hardware register has the LSB fixed 0, so misalignment can be either 2, 4, or 6.

  • The internal 128 byte buffer is filled starting from the index matching the misalignment. This might affect the maximum size of the first block: for instance, if misalignment is 6, the maximum size is not 128 but 122, because the first 6 bytes are skipped.
  • Writes to RDRAM seems to use some kind of masking, so they are correctly done at the byte granularity. This means that odd length transfers in the first block appear to work correctly. Notice that this applies only to the first block whatever its size is; the size (as described above) might be limited by the end of the RDRAM page, in which case only odd transfers up to there are working correctly.
  • As an exception to the above exception, if the first block reaches the end of the 128 byte buffer, the last 2 bytes of the buffer are always written back in full to RDRAM, even though one less byte was requested.
    • Example: PI DMA transfer with misalignment 0 and RDRAM page end far away. Odd lengths up to 125 (included) work correctly; odd transfers of exactly 127 bytes are rounded up to 128 (since they reach the last 16-bit word of the buffer). Also odd transfers of 129 or more, since they need two blocks to be performed, fall back into the general rule where one more byte is transferred.
    • Example: PI DMA transfer with misalignment 6 and RDRAM page end far away. Odd lengths up to 119 (included) work correctly; odd transfers of exactly 121 bytes are rounded up to 122 (since they reach the last 16-bit word of the buffer). Also odd transfers of 123 or more, since they need two blocks to be performed, fall back into the general rule where one more byte is transferred.
  • There seems to be a hardware bug related how RDRAM writes are performed, in case of misaligned addresses. It seems like the hardware is counting the block length starting from index 0 of the buffer, even though the first byte was actually placed at the index matching the misalignment, and even though masking is performed correctly. This means that for instance, if misalignment is 6 and the length of 8, the following happens:
    • First, 8 bytes are fetched from the PI bus and put at index 6..13 in the internal buffer.
    • Then, RDRAM writes are performed but the hardware believes the block ends at index 8, so only bytes 6..8 are written back to RDRAM.
  • Symmetrically, if the buffer is full (128 bytes), the last 6 bytes will not be transferred because of the same bug (even if those bytes were fetched by the PI bus). So there will be a "hole" of 6 bytes in the RDRAM output buffer. For instance, if misalignment is 6 and the length is 1024, and the RDRAM page end is far away, the following happens on the first block:
    • Block size is computed as 122 bytes.
    • 122 bytes are fetched from the PI bus, and put at index 6..127 in the internal buffer.
    • RDRAM writes are performed but the hardware believes that the block ends at index 121, so only bytes 6..121 are written back to RDRAM.
    • Notice that, this notwithstanding, RDRAM address is correctly rounded up to 8 byte at the end of the block (see below), so the second block will behave correctly. There will be a hole in RDRAM as bytes 122.127 in the first block are never written back to RDRAM, so the content of RDRAM for those bytes is not affected by DMA.
  • RDRAM address register is always rounded up to the next 8 byte alignment at the end of the first block. In most normal cases, the logic above already ensures that the address ends up being aligned at the end of the block, but the rounding up happens even in cases like short transfers that ends with the first block at ends at an arbitrary byte.

Followup transfers

After a DMA transfer is finished, it is possible to trigger a "follwup transfer", that is a transfer that sequentially continues the previous one, by simply writing a new length to the PI_WR_LEN register. In this case, the current values of PI_DRAM_ADDR and PI_CART_ADDR are used at the beginning of the transfers. Those values will match the last addresses as updated by the first transfer.

The above section describes in details how PI reads and RDRAM writes are done, and registers are updated, so they also implicitly describe how a followup transfer behaves in various edge cases (short transfers, misaligned transfers, etc.)

PI_WR_LEN readbacks after a transfer

Reading back PI_WR_LEN after a transfer is done, appears to always be fixed at 0x7F. The only exception that has been noticed is when the transfer was smaller than 8 bytes: in that case, the value is 0x7F minus the initial RDRAM misalignment. For instance, if the RDRAM misalignment was 4, the value found in the register at the end of the transfer will be 0x7B.

DMA data dumps

To further investigate and understand how PI DMA is performed, the repo n64_pi_dma_test can be used. The repo contains data dumps acquires on real hardware of DMA transfers with all possible misalignments (0, 2, 4, 6), all lengths from 1 to 384 bytes, and all distances from RDRAM page end from 0 to 128 bytes. It also contains timing information on all those transfers. The repo can be used as a testsuite for emulators, but also to further investigate other side cases.