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=== Range 0x1FC0'0000 - 0x1FCF'FFFF (SI external bus) ===
NOTE: this section is very similar to the one about PI external bus. The two areas behave exactly the same wrt the interface between VR4300 and RCP, despite the access being forward to different buses.
All accesses made by the VR4300 in these ranges are forward externally by RCP on the external SI bus. This allows the CPU to access the onboard memory of the [[PIF-NUS]] device; normally this is the onboard RAM, but also ROM can be accessed during boot (it is then locked out for security reasons).
Accesses in this area are affected by the same simplified SysAD implementation described above, so '''access size is ignored.''' Only uncached accesses are allowed; cached accesses will be ignored by RCP causing a VR4300 freeze, requiring a hard reboot. The effect is the same described before.
Moreover, there is one important additional detail:
* All writes are performed '''asynchronously''' by the SI. Making a write in this area will in fact just cause the SI to latch the value internally, and release the VR4300 immediately. The write will then happen in background. The status of the ongoing write will be reflected by the SI "I/O busy" status bit, which will be set to 1 until the write is finalized. While a write is ongoing, further writes are ignored, and reads (from any address) return the 32-bit value that is being written. For further information on this, please check the [[SI|SI page]]. Notice that the SI doesn't know that a certain range of addresses are mapped to ROM and thus read-only, so even writes in the ROM area follow this pattern; they are just ignored by the PIF itself.
=== Ranges 0x0500'0000 - 0x1FBF'FFFF and 0x1FD0'0000 - 0x7FFF'FFFF (PI external bus) ===
NOTE: this section is very similar to the one about SI external bus. The two areas behave exactly the same wrt the interface between VR4300 and RCP, despite the access being forward to different buses.
All accesses made by the VR4300 in these ranges are forward externally by RCP on the external PI bus. This allows the CPU to access external devices connected to the parallel bus like the cartridge ROM, SRAM and FlashRAM.