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(Rewrite RepeatMode with better examples)
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| 9 | Upper | Upper mode enabled.
| 8 | EBus | EBus mode enabled.
| 7 | Repeat | Repeat mode enabled, Automatically clears after a single Rambus write.
| 6-0 | RepeatCount[6:0] | Number of bytes (minus 1) to write in repeat mode
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| 10 | SetEBus | Set Ebus mode.
| 9 | ClearEBus | Clear Ebus mode.
| 8 | SetRepeat | Set repeat mode. Automatically clears after a single Rambus write.
| 7 | ClearRepeat | Clear repeat mode.
| 6-0 | RepeatCount[6:0] | Number of bytes (minus 1) to write in repeat mode
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: '''EBus modę:''' The lower 4 bits of the 32bit word are mapped onto 4 bits of EBus.<Br>In typical operation, EBus is used by RDP and VI to access the extra 9th bit (aka parity/error bit) that RDRAM provides for each byte. This mode allows the CPU to read this extra information back.<Br>Unfortunately this mode doesn't appear to be useful for writing to Antialiased framebuffers, as you can't combine a normal mode write and a EBus mode write without overwriting each other (Future testing required, maybe 64bit transfers work?)
: '''Repeat Mode:''' Writes cause a repeating pattern of '''RepeatCount+1''' bytes (upto 128 bytes) to be written. Reading can cause a hang (further testing needed).<br> First a 64bit value is loaded into the DBus FIFO to be the pattern:
: '''Repeat Mode:''' 32bit writes result in <code>RepeatCount + 1</code> bytes being written, with the same 32bit word repeating every 32bits. Reading with this mode can cause a hang. <br>In this mode, MI duplicates the 32bit word into both the upper and lower half of DBUS, and then lies to RI about the transfer count. Instead of 4, it sends ```RepeatCount```. The full Count is inserted into the Rambus request packet and the Rambus device uses the lower 3 bits for byte masking. RI looks at RepeatCount[6:3] to calculate the number 64bit transfers.
: This mode is labeled as '''"Init Mode"''' in some documentation. It's only used once during IPL3's RDRAM initialization to do a broadcast write to the '''Delay''' register. This is needed because after reset, the default timings in the '''Delay''' register result in the Rambus device sampling the data from the Rambus way too late and sampling garbage data. RI's timings are baked into hardware and can't be changed, but IPL3 uses a clever trick:<Br>
By enabling Repeat Mode and setting RepeatCount to 15, the 32bit value is repeated 4 times, and the Rambus device now samples valid data into the '''Delay''' register. However, the default timings aren't off by an integer multiple of the RCP clock, and the Rambus device samples halfway between two repetitions of the 32bit word. To work around this, IPL3 rotates the value by 16 bits before writing.
:: {| class="wikitable"
| rowspan="2" | Uncached 64bit write || The 64bit value is used directly
| <code>reg64=0x01234567_89abcdef -> pattern=0x012345678_9abcdef</code>
| rowspan="2" | Uncached 32bit write || Only the lower 32bits are send over SYSAD, and that is duplicated into both upper and lower halves
| <code>reg64=0x01234567_89abcdef -> pattern=0x89abcdef_89abcdef</code>
| rowspan="2" | Uncached 16bit write
|| When writing less than 32bits, the cpu pre-shifts the value and MI sees it as a 32bit write. Normal byte masking is suppressed as it was replaced by RepeatCount.
| <code>reg64=0x01234567_89abcdef, addr[1:0]=0b10 -> pattern=0xcdef0000_cdef0000</code>
| rowspan="2" | Uncached 8bit write || ''As Above.'' Notice that some bytes are now unmasked.
| <code>reg64=0x01234567_89abcdef, addr[2:0]=0b001 -> pattern=0xabcdef00_abcdef00</code>
| rowspan="2" | Cache writeback || The last 8 bytes of the cacheline are used, everything else is discarded.
| <code>cacheline="an ascii example" -> pattern=" example example"</code>
: Then MI lies to RI about the transfer count, with '''RepeatCount''' overriding the correct value. causing RI to do <code>RepeatCount[6:3]</code> transfers, with MI repeating the same 64bit value for all transfers.<br> The Rambus device uses '''Addr[2:0]''' and '''RepeatCount[2:0]''' to implement byte masking for the first and last transfers. RI does not correctly implement support for unaligned writes that cross a 64bit boundary, so you end up with <code>RepeatCount[6:3] | RepeatCount[2:0] + Addr[2:0]</code> written, which discards the potential carry out from bit 2 to bit 3.
: This mode is labeled as '''"Init Mode"''' in some documentation. It's used once during Nintendo's IPL3's RDRAM initialization as a workaround for the default timings after RDRAM reset not being compatible with RI's hardcoded timings. See [[RDRAM#0x02_-_Delay|RDRAM Delay register]] for a detailed explanation.
: Repeat Mode is ideal for fast Memset operations, as you can quickly write a repeating pattern to upto 128 bytes of RAM with just two 32bit uncached writes.<br> For cache-coherency, you do need to invalidate those cache lines, but you can execute the CACHE instructions while MI is finishing the Repeat write with almost no impact to performance.<br> MI repeat is almost as fast as using RSP's DMA, but it will often be faster and more convenient to use MI repeat as the RSP is busy doing other things.
:: {| class="wikitable"
|+ Memset benchmarks for 1MiB of data.
| 64bit uncached writes || 25.7 ms
| 64bit cached writes || 49.8 ms
| RSP DMA || 2.58 ms
| MI repeat || 3.80 ms (plus 0.20ms with inline CACHE instructions)
: If you are careful, it should be possible to do unaligned memsets too. An uncached byte write can be used to set '''Addr[2:0]''' to any value, and you can adjust '''RepeatCount[6:3]''' to compensate for the missing carry out, so the Rambus device writes the correct number of bytes.
==== <span style="display:none;">0x0430 0004 - MI_VERSION</code> ====