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==== Compiling the Instrument Bank ====
==== Compiling the Instrument Bank ====
We use the instrument compiler program (<code>ic</code>) to turn our Instrument Bank file into <code>.tbl</code> and <code>.ctl</code> files for running ingame.

Run <code>ic</code> on your <code>.ins</code> file like the following:
ic -OSongBank SongBank.ins
Note that <code>SongBank</code> in this case whatever you called your <code>.ins</code> file. Also, note the lack of space before the <code>-O</code> argument. This seems to be correct for the tool.

If your <code>.ins</code> file doesn't have any errors, you should see an output like this:

[[File:Ic success.png|frameless|A bunch of garbled output from the instrument compiler, but no specific line numbers.]]

You should also then have <code>.tbl</code> and <code>.ctl</code> files in the same directory with the name you put before the <code>-O</code> parameter.

[[File:Ic new files.png|frameless|The CTL and TBL output files shown via the DIR command.]]

If there are syntax or other errors in your <code>.ins</code> file, you might get an error message like this:

[[File:Ic error.png|frameless|The instrument compiler showing an error.]]

Even though the output looks garbled, try not to be discouraged! The final line output will show the line number of the error. The first place to look is often the associated line.

[[File:Screen Shot 2020-10-06 at 10.05.28 PM.png|frameless|An Instrument Bank file with a missing semicolon on line 28/29.]]

In this case, the example error message was caused by a missing semicolon on line 28/29.

=== Finishing up ===
=== Finishing up ===