pseultra is feature-rich, open-source alternative to the official N64 SDK. The biggest benefit of developing with an open-source SDK is that open-source code is legal to redistribute in your homebrew game (as long as you ensure you're not using any proprietary Nintendo code at all or infringing on other copyrights), and better support for modern operating systems (such as Windows 10 and Linux). The official pseultra repository is available on GitHub, and the "Getting Started" section of the readme explains how to set it up on macOS or Linux. Please note that there is a slight error in the current "Getting Started" instructions, as some users have reported that you must run scons && sudo scons install in the tools directory before running it in the root directory.

There is also a fork of pseultra with some updates, particularly related to Windows compatibility, and pre-built binaries for the MSYS2 environment. The following section describes how to set up an MSYS2 environment with pre-built pseultra binaries.


The following instructions will help you set up a pseultra development environment on Windows with MSYS2 and n64chain.

  1. Download and install the latest 64-bit MSYS2 from:
  2. Download the latest n64chain binaries from: Make sure you download the binaries under the section titled "n64chain Downloads" rather than the CEN64 emulator.
  3. Extract the n64chain package, move the tools directory into C:\msys64\opt, and rename tools to n64chain.
  4. Download and extract, then move the pseultra and chksum64 directories into C:\msys64\opt.